Larry's Notes: Have trouble sleeping, tap your foot nervously, feel stressed or anxious?? All are signs of Adrenal fatigue & it is almost at epidimic levels in our society. To ramp the adrenals back to health, take 12 a day for 1 bottle. Next bottle take 6 a day. Then the third bottle drop to 3 a day. Always take these before noon! Incorporate with the Pink Salt for total adrenal health.
AdrenaVen™ is a premier quality, nutraceutical formula designed to support healthy adrenal glands.
This formula features the following high-value botanicals: Cordyceps (fermented mycelial extract), Rhodiola Rosea Extract and Eleuthero root. In addition, this formula showcases Adrenal Pro™ Support, a comprehensive, multi-nutrient support blend.
Everyone may feel fatigue from time to time. In addition to adopting healthy lifestyle choices for the management of occasional stress, such as regular exercise, certain herbs such as Rhodiola Rosea may help with occasional fatigue and may support energy levels. Cordyceps sinensis is a famous adaptogenic mushroom that has been used for centuries for whole body support. The well known botanical, Eleuthero root (also called Siberian Ginseng), is added for optimal effect.
R15-1211 R10.0