The best way I can help you! Email a selfie like these, and I can test your major detox organs remotely with Quantum Reflex Analysis. This method works great for dogs and cats too. Since they can't come in the clinic, send in a picture. Works the same as with people, back and tummy pictures are all I need.
Don't want to do the picture, that's OK. Use this for a phone consultation! I won't give information out, especially for new cllients, on the phone, until you become a client.
Picture Testing & Phone Consultations
Yes it's true! During my nine years with Premier Research Labs, I used this method to help practitioners all the time. All I need is two anitomical pictures, one front, one back. My trustee assistant will surrogate for you & I can energitically test your main points. Obviously this is not as accurate as in person testing. My remote testing has been helpful in hundreds of cases.